The subject of time.

The persistence of memory by Salvador Dalí

Part of being a solo performer is about creating content from nothing, this may be an idea, image or extract of text from which to work from. Using the subject of time as my main inspiration I began writing, allowing myself to drift and create a sarcastic, all be it serious short interactive monologue which could be used to explore the subject of time with a comedic-linear and basic narrative. Inspired by the painting; The persistence of memory, wanted to allow self the freedom of looking inside what a solo performance could be using visuals and repeatable mediums that we all carry out both subliminally and mentally.

My script follows as below, however I have to stress this was a first draft and was only an exercise in generating material.

Things you can do in five minuets. (A beginners guide to time-wasting.) 

1.) Stretch your legs.

2.) Check your phone.

3.) Check the time.

4.) Fart or if you are posh pass wind.

5.) Fart again, it just feels better knowing you can.

6.) Acknowledge how good the fart or passing of wind was!

7.) Shout the word “Bitch”or “Fuck”

8.) This time make it really loud.

9.) Realize you just shouted the word “Bitch” or “Fuck” (I’m not prejudiced.) At no one.

10.) Think about food… Think about ordering food.

11.) Think about the time it takes for the ordered food to arrive.

12.) Think about how long a reasonable time to wait is.

13.) Think about money… Think about how very little you have.

14.) Become angry.

15.) Become angrier.

16.) Think about the government… The government sucks… The government

       really sucks…

17.) Feel confused.

18.) Feel inspired.

19.) Think about how you can help someone.

20.) Think about how you can change someone’s world.

21.) Watch… Wait… Pause.

22.) Listen to the radio.

23.) Listen to the sounds around you.

24.) Listen to the sounds of the worlds outside you.

25.) Think about looming deadlines.

26.) Feel stressed or happy about deadlines?

27.) Sneeze!… All better?

28.) Realize you may not have shut the fridge/freezer and now all your food is ruined.

29.) Reevaluate your life… Did you make the right choice?

30.) Think about where you are going…

31.) Where would you like to be in ten years?

32.) Where would you like to be in ten minuets?

33.) Do you think people like you?

34.) Do you like you? (It’s not important.)

35.) Realize someone is ringing your phone.

36.) Think you should answer your phone.  “Yes I am happy with my current provider.”

37.) Are you really happy with your current provider?

38.) Think about how you have just spent the last five minuets of your very important life thinking about pointless things.

39.) Listen to the clock ticking by… Counting down.

40.) acknowledge this.

41.) Hear the rumbling of your stomach…

42.)  Think about  life, the universe and everything…

43.) drift back to ordering food…

 My original draft of the script.

Page One of time wasting poem.
Page Two of Time wasting poem.


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